I'm going to write about my brother Raimundo, we call him Mumo. He is the fourth child and the previus than me, have 22 years old but in a few days will be his birthday, on october 26. He study music for own account with epecific master on his instruments. Main instrument are saxophone and he like and play jazz. 

Mumo is very diciplined and studous person, for example he woke up every day at the same hour, 6:30 am and study all time incluid holidays he stay all time learning, reading, listening music and about jazz. For this reason Mumo have things to do everytime. In adition he practice Football and tennis so really he is doing things all time. Another ting that mumo really like is learning aout everything, he like and practice surf, he like reading novels or he like to go to teather. In fact her partner  is an actress and actually they are corrently doing a work together, she is the directora and he doing the music.
My relationship with mumo it is friendly and we have similar likes so we planed things to do and finally  we have the same rol in the family because we are the most  smallest.


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