The name of book that i recommend is called -La dimensión desconocida-written by Chilean author  name is Nona Fernandez. She is a writer, playwright and actress that i like so much, in addition i´ve read other books and i have seen his works on theater. Well this book in particular readed it in March of this year and was the last book that i readed of her. I found this book because i follow the author on soscial media and every time that i can i go to see her works on theater so i follow them and follow her different works. 

In her writing career she has written diferent novels of Chilean dictatorship, "novels that intensified their work on memory, as they borrowed facts from reality to create fiction" (https://mujeresbacanas.com/nona-fernandez-1971/). She mixing reality with imagination  denouncing the lack of information available on this period of history for example, with respect to the missing detainees. I recomend tihs book because she creating a beatifull novel imaginating a history  about character who existed in real life but was killed in dicatatorship. So se imagine a history at the same time she talk about the real case.

I found it interesting the book because i liked  the way narrated the story, I actually got emotional and cried. The book is about the history of decapitated case, of these three teachers. And exactly on 29 March is the conmmemoration of this date. So in adittion it was a bit of an intense read. 


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