outdoor activities

"MOCHILEAR" Something that i enjoy doing outdoor.

I like to do several outdoor activities, some of them could be sports like walking, trakking, biking, skateboarding or surfing. Although, especially in hot weather I like to do any activity, for example playing cards on the grass, cooking, reading, chatting in a square in the afternoon. However, my favorite outdoor activity is "mochilear" or camping.  And well, this activity includes several of the above mentioned activities, for example trekking or doing anything outdoors. I really like "mochilear" because i enjoy contemplating the landscapes, learning about trees, getting to know places, rivers, lakes and different routes and people. I enjoy a lot do it.   I also enjoy setting up the tent and cooking in the mornings or by the light of the fire. 

I have had the opportunity to get to know the south camping and having to "deo" to get to the destinations. I remember the last trip that was this summer, we crossed by barge and it was so windy that I got completely wet. I also remember doing my first trekking in the rain and carrying my backpacks, but i really like it and really enjoyed. 

I hope this year to be able to go trekking in other parts of the country, even crossing into Argentina.

We leave Hornopiren in the back of a truck


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